T he married life is far better than the unmarried life if you ask me. Having a companion to help you in life cannot be overemphasized. This is the reality. God never allowed Adam to be alone, and that was the more reason he gave Eve to him, not only to be a helpmate but a companion. There is a level of age you get to in life; you know it is time to be married; otherwise, you keep on living in sexual sins. Now making our marriage work for those who have married is paramount. Let say you are Adam, and Eve walked away because both of you choose to stay or live apart then a lot have happened already even if you fail to think about it or feel bothered about it. Firstly you lost a companion and secondly, your helpmate is gone. You are now left alone and lonely. The impact of this loneliness on your life will certainly be unbearable no matter how hard you try to conceal the reality. The word of God says, ‘He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains f...