C hild upbringing is one inevitable burden that no Parent can avoid. The responsibility that goes with it is huge and that is why intending couples are forewarned not to engage in making babies when they are not prepared otherwise it will lead to situation they never intended to confront or handle. Responsibility is the right word here, you have a child you must train that child or the child bec omes entrenched in evil and other intolerable vices that are not only unbelievable but regrettable. You know what? Married couples love children but most times their competence to handle the responsibilities that comes with it, is most times in doubt. N ow with coming in of a child or more children into the family, the responsibility grows and Parents have to work harder to take care of the needs of their children. The kids have to be fed, go to school, dress up nicely and you got to shelter them and all that, it kind of sucks, right? But all these and more are often described as th...