The fact that children need our help cannot be over emphasized. There are certain things that cannot be ignored by parents but
unfortunately some Parent don’t believe in giving helping hands to their
children in any way that would help in their overall development. Take for
instance young Parents looking forward to their first child are sobered by the
realization that this child’s future depends, in large measure, on the care and
training they will give it. Sensing their unpreparedness, they may go to the
library and obtain books on the care and training of children. They watch for
magazine articles dealing with parent-child relationships. They think back to
their own childhood with the hope of improving, if they can, on the method
their parents used.
Time slips by rapidly. Even before they are ready, it seems, the child is born. By now they are so concerned with the infant’s physical needs that they forget to keep up their study on how to be good parents. The library books have to be taken back mostly unread. The magazines with articles on parenthood lie in a stack.
“Anyway,” the young parents’ reason, “the child is still young to be disciplined. We will find time to learn about child training by the time we need to put our good intention into practices.”
And so, in many homes—too, the training of children becomes a trail—and—error enterprise. Sometimes, unfortunately, the father and the mother have not even taken sufficient time to decide on policies for rearing their children.
No single method of child training ever devised will invariably bring good results. Even within the same family, methods of training have to be individualized to suit the personalities of family to family, depending on circumstances and varying ideas. But certain broad principles, applicable in all cases, will help parents to deal wisely with their children.
What you don’t know about kids
Kids have a mind of their own. They are not robots, their sense organs to taste, see, touch, smell, and feel starts functioning the very first day they were born. So don’t you ever think less of them, you have no idea what they are capable of or what is cage in their minds. They study you intently and carefully too. They want to make sure you are there for them in their pain, joy or tears.
Today, some Parents just feel kids are innocent and they can do anything that pleases even in front of them and all that. Some Parent quarrel right in front of their kids, expose their sex lives and say all manner of indecent words before them and they feel that their innocence as Kids cannot be compromise. It will perhaps not immediately but definitely in the near future. Have you not heard when a child is caught doing crime and when asked what came over you, the child says my Parent thought me that and you say they can’t teach you that and the child responds again comes like this, “I see them do it as a child and I grew with it.” So you see what I am talking about. Kids learn in secret even without uttering a word and its manifested impact is when you may not really have much say about their lives anymore.
Kids either learn vices or virtues from you, the Parent. You are their first school even though they are not using the pen yet but there is a natural pen in their heart that you cannot see or take away. They just keep writing in their hearts or minds and when it is time to explore, they do and the result you won’t like it especially for Parent who shows little or no moral help for their child’s upbringing. Teach them right they become righteous, teach them wrong they become evil because in evil they’ve never felt loved.
Ideas on good parenting
Remember this; the child enters life as a helpless babe, unable to care for himself, much less to know what is good for him. The parents are, therefore, totally responsible for his welfare during infancy. Without adequate care and guidance the helpless child would suffer or even perish.
Gradually, during the early months and years of a child life, mental and physical powers develop. Soon the child becomes able to think clearly, to express himself, and to have opinion of his own. But even yet he does not have good judgment. This attributes comes by experience, a commodity still in short supply because the child has not yet lived enough. The parents, one generation ahead of the child, have had the experience necessary to help the child develop his understanding of the meaning of life. They should, therefore, transfer the benefits of this greater experience to the child, patiently coaching him in making of wise choices. With good guidance a child becomes more able, year by year, to carry responsibility for his own activities. By the time he reaches his late teens and early twenties he should be prepared to act wisely in making life’s major decisions; the choice of a lifework, the choice of life companion, and (most important of all) the choice of his personal philosophy.
Parents need to avoid two extremes as they develop the policies of their home. One is that of sidestepping the responsibilities of parenthood by allowing the child to grow up as he pleases. Permissiveness, we call it. The parent excuses himself, so he thinks, from the effort and toil and worry of helping his child build his personality and character. This approach to child training is based on the false belief that something inherent within the child nature gives him sufficient wisdom to guide his own course through life. How contrary to the wisdom of the ages! Solomon, for example, admonished parents: Train up a child the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6
Educators and sociologists generally recognize that of the many factors that influence a child during the period of his development, the influence of the home stands out above even that of the church or school. Communities consist of individual homes. And only as homes establish and maintain high ideals will the nation remain strong enough to withstand the influences of greed and lawlessness.
The opposite extreme, which will also avoid, is that of rigidly controlling each detail of a child’s conduct right through the years of adolescence. Parents who adopt this extreme mistakenly believe that the goal of a child training is to make their children comply with their own concepts of perfect behaviour. Such parents expect their children to make no mistakes. They make no allowance for a child’s personal preferences. They assume that he should obey without question just because the parent has told him what to do. These parents expect the child to forfeit his individuality and to follow exactly the pattern of conduct which the parent chooses to foster.
Instead of conforming to either of these extremes in child training, parents should choose a broad and far reaching course. Their duty is to prepare their children for successful living—not to force them to comply, puppet fashion, to an arbitrary list of do’s and don’ts, nor to allow them grow up with little or no restraint.
You must study your kids and know the possible ways to help the child. You didn’t decide to have kids to rot in pool of immorality I am sure no Parent will want to see that happen to their kids. Good parenting must be employ in any possible way to ensure that child is properly raised. A poorly raise child will not only be a problem to his family but to the society. Attention must be given to a child during upbringing otherwise when the child is up you can no longer inculcate values or morals you felt would have made the child a better person, too late then. The time is now, show them love, attention and direction.
Help them with their educationWhen it is time to go to school it therefore means they will be away from home studying and you must keep both eyes on them. Watch their performance in school, note their peer group, find out from their school teacher how they are doing educationally and support them with their home work and educational materials.
Talking about educational materials for kids most Parent are guilty, they don’t buy and even if they do perhaps the ones the school recommend only. You can buy books and other materials that would be helpful to your child. These materials are to help you train up your kids because they may not be able to do it alone. You need materials and you must be ready to buy it for them instead of candies and other pampering stuffs at this time not needed for the development of the child.
I will strongly recommend a site for you if your kids are between the years of 2- 14. It is a complete curriculum of guided reading lessons that easily transforms any parent into their child’s favorite Teacher. There are hundreds of lessons, activities, workbooks, games and movies to develop your child with a good foundational base.
Please find site here Head Start . Do well to give them materials that will help and I am sure this will. Get your kids busy with this package and they will love you for it!
need to stay healthy to help their children fulfill their dreams. I strongly
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Feel free to explore these sites not only to see how you can overcome overbearing stress, anxiety and depression, but restores your energy and activity absolutely needed by your family at this time.
A child helped today will be a child helpful tomorrow.
Emmanuel Abraham is an Author & writer.
Please find more of his books in Amazon and please feel free to encourage the Author by shopping for your Kids right here:
Suffer the Child
The Magnificent
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